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The taxonomy of developmental control in Caenorhabditis elegans.Ruvkun G., Hobert O.View abstractCategoriesSequencesSourceFlyBase: FBgn0003042PubMedEurope PMCScience 282:2033-2041 (1998)Mapped to99+
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A genetic screen of the Drosophila X chromosome for mutations that modify Deformed function.Florence B., McGinnis W.View abstractCategoriesSequencesSourceFlyBase: FBgn0003042PubMedEurope PMCGenetics 150:1497-1511 (1998)Mapped to99+
P-Element insertion at the polyhomeotic gene leads to formation of a novel chimeric protein that negatively regulates yellow gene expression in P- element-induced alleles of Drosophila melanogaster.Belenkaya T., Soldatov A., Nabirochkina E., Biryukova I., Birjukova I., Georgieva S., Georgiev P.View abstractCategoriesSequencesSourceFlyBase: FBgn0003042PubMedEurope PMCGenetics 150:687-697 (1998)Mapped to14
Expression and properties of wild-type and mutant forms of the Drosophila sex comb on midleg (SCM) repressor protein.Bornemann D., Miller E., Simon J.View abstractCategoriesSequences, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceFlyBase: FBgn0003042PubMedEurope PMCGenetics 150:675-686 (1998)Mapped to12
The enhancer of polycomb gene of Drosophila encodes a chromatin protein conserved in yeast and mammals.Stankunas K., Berger J., Ruse C., Sinclair D.A.R., Randazzo F., Brock H.W.View abstractCategoriesSequencesSourceFlyBase: FBgn0003042PubMedEurope PMCDevelopment 125:4055-4066 (1998)Cited in21Mapped to36
The Drosophila trithorax group proteins BRM, ASH1 and ASH2 are subunits of distinct protein complexes.Papoulas O., Beek S.J., Moseley S.L., McCallum C.M., Sarte M., Shearn A., Tamkun J.W.View abstractCategoriesInteractionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0003042PubMedEurope PMCDevelopment 125:3955-3966 (1998)Cited in21Mapped to73
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Binding of trithorax and Polycomb proteins to the bithorax complex: dynamic changes during early Drosophila embryogenesis.Orlando V., Jane E.P., Chinwalla V., Harte P.J., Paro R.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0003042PubMedEurope PMCEMBO J 17:5141-5150 (1998)Mapped to22
Trans-silencing by P elements inserted in subtelomeric heterochromatin involves the Drosophila Polycomb group gene, Enhancer of zeste.Roche S.E., Rio D.C.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0003042PubMedEurope PMCGenetics 149:1839-1855 (1998)Mapped to12
Needs and targets for the multi sex combs gene product in Drosophila melanogaster.Saget O., Forquignon F., Santamaria P., Randsholt N.B.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceFlyBase: FBgn0003042PubMedEurope PMCGenetics 149:1823-1838 (1998)Mapped to47
Genesis versus epigenesis: the odd jobs of the Polycomb group of genes.Santamaria P.View abstractCategoriesSequencesSourceFlyBase: FBgn0003042PubMedEurope PMCInt J Dev Biol 42:463-469 (1998)Mapped to45
trithorax and the regulation of homeotic gene expression in Drosophila: a historical perspective.Ingham P.W.View abstractCategoriesSequencesSourceFlyBase: FBgn0003042PubMedEurope PMCInt J Dev Biol 42:423-429 (1998)Mapped to22
The bithorax complex: the first fifty years.Lewis E.B.CategoriesFunction, SequencesSourceFlyBase: FBgn0003042PubMedEurope PMCInt J Dev Biol 42:403-415 (1998)Mapped to45
Homeotic regulation of segment-specific differences in neuroblast numbers and proliferation in the Drosophila central nervous system.Prokop A., Bray S., Harrison E., Technau G.M.View abstractCategoriesSequencesSourceFlyBase: FBgn0003042PubMedEurope PMCMech Dev 74:99-110 (1998)Mapped to21
Chromo-domain proteins: linking chromatin structure to epigenetic regulation.Cavalli G., Paro R.View abstractCategoriesFunction, InteractionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0003042PubMedEurope PMCCurr Opin Cell Biol 10:354-360 (1998)Mapped to16
Shaping animal body plans in development and evolution by modulation of Hox expression patterns.Gellon G., McGinnis W.View abstractCategoriesSequencesSourceFlyBase: FBgn0003042PubMedEurope PMCBioessays 20:116-125 (1998)Mapped to56
In vivo gap repair in Drosophila: a one-way street with many destinations.Lankenau D.H., Gloor G.B.View abstractSourceFlyBase: FBgn0003042PubMedEurope PMCBioessays 20:317-327 (1998)Mapped to47
The Drosophila Fab-7 chromosomal element conveys epigenetic inheritance during mitosis and meiosis.Cavalli G., Paro R.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0003042PubMedEurope PMCCell 93:505-518 (1998)Mapped to19
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The Drosophila esc and E(z) proteins are direct partners in polycomb group-mediated repression.Jones C.A., Ng J., Peterson A.J., Morgan K., Simon J.A., Jones R.S.View abstractCategoriesInteractionSourceFlyBase: FBgn0003042PubMedEurope PMCMol. Cell. Biol. 18:2825-2834 (1998)Cited in2Mapped to6