Cloning, expression pattern and homology modeling of novel rat RAB genes.Zhong C., Zhou G., Ji G., Yu L.Cited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [MRNA]StrainSprague-DawleyCategoriesSequencesSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)Submission Submitted to EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases (APR-2004)Cited in1
GTP hydrolysis of TC10 promotes neurite outgrowth through exocytic fusion of Rab11- and L1-containing vesicles by releasing exocyst component Exo70.Fujita A., Koinuma S., Yasuda S., Nagai H., Kamiguchi H., Wada N., Nakamura T.View abstractAnnotationExocytosis of Rab11- and L1-positive vesicles may play a central role in TC10-mediated neurite outgrowthCategoriesFunction, InteractionSourceGeneRif: 500249PubMedEurope PMCPLoS One 8:e79689-e79689 (2013)Mapped to9