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Diverse <i>Fgfr1</i> signaling pathways and endocytic trafficking regulate mesoderm development.Clark J.F., Soriano P.View abstractSourceMGI: 1098283PubMedEurope PMCGenes Dev 38:393-414 (2024)Mapped to99+
Rhythm gene PER1 mediates ferroptosis and lipid metabolism through SREBF2/ALOX15 axis in polycystic ovary syndrome.Chen Y., Liu Z., Chen H., Wen Y., Fan L., Luo M.View abstractAnnotationRhythm gene PER1 mediates ferroptosis and lipid metabolism through SREBF2/ALOX15 axis in polycystic ovary syndrome.CategoriesFunctionSourceGeneRif: 18626PubMedEurope PMCBiochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis 1870:167182-167182 (2024)Mapped to12
Cellular iron depletion enhances behavioral rhythm by limiting brain Per1 expression in mice.Wu Q., Ren Q., Wang X., Bai H., Tian D., Gao G., Wang F., Yu P., Chang Y.Z.View abstractAnnotationCellular iron depletion enhances behavioral rhythm by limiting brain Per1 expression in mice.CategoriesFunctionSourceGeneRif: 18626PubMedEurope PMCCNS Neurosci Ther 30:e14592-e14592 (2024)Mapped to8
DNA polymerase beta connects tumorigenicity with the circadian clock in liver cancer through the epigenetic demethylation of Per1.Chen S., Zhang W., Li X., Cao Z., Liu C.View abstractAnnotationDNA polymerase beta connects tumorigenicity with the circadian clock in liver cancer through the epigenetic demethylation of Per1.CategoriesFunctionSourceGeneRif: 18626, MGI: 1098283PubMedEurope PMCCell Death Dis 15:78-78 (2024)Mapped to26
The circadian regulator PER1 promotes cell reprogramming by inhibiting inflammatory signaling from macrophages.Katoku-Kikyo N., Lim S., Yuan C., Koroth J., Nakagawa Y., Bradley E.W., Kikyo N.View abstractAnnotationThe circadian regulator PER1 promotes cell reprogramming by inhibiting inflammatory signaling from macrophages.CategoriesFunctionSourceGeneRif: 18626, MGI: 1098283PubMedEurope PMCPLoS Biol 21:e3002419-e3002419 (2023)Mapped to10