The study shows that poultry dust controls the induction of immune and inflammatory mediator expression via a cellular pathway involving oxidative stress-mediated STAT3 activation by TYK2 and EGFR tyrosine kinases.
TYK2(P) diminishes IL-12 IL-23 and IFN I signaling and that its protective effect is most likely manifest in the setting of autoimmune triggers that concurrently dysregulate at least two of these important signaling cascades.
our findings provide the first evidence to our knowledge for a key role of TYK2 in the host environment in promoting NK cell maturation and antitumor activity.
Results show that loss of TYK2 does not affect disease severity of JAK2VF-induced murine myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) indicating that TYK2 has no cooperative effects with JAK2VF at the onset of MPN.
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