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ADAMTS4 is a crucial proteolytic enzyme for versican cleavage in the amnion at parturition.Li M.D., Lu J.W., Zhang F., Lei W.J., Pan F., Lin Y.K., Ling L.J., Myatt L., Wang W.S., Sun K.View abstractAnnotationADAMTS4 is a crucial proteolytic enzyme for versican cleavage in the amnion at parturition.SourceGeneRif: 240913PubMedEurope PMCCommun Biol 7:301-301 (2024)Mapped to9
PIBF1 regulates trophoblast syncytialization and promotes cardiovascular development.Lee J.G., Yon J.M., Kim G., Lee S.G., Kim C.Y., Cheong S.A., Kim H.Y., Yu J., Kim K.[...], Baek I.J.View abstractSourceMGI: 1339949PubMedEurope PMCNat Commun 15:1487-1487 (2024)Mapped to99+
Genetic determinants of micronucleus formation in vivo.Adams D.J., Barlas B., McIntyre R.E., Salguero I., van der Weyden L., Barros A., Vicente J.R., Karimpour N., Haider A.[...], White J.K.View abstractSourceMGI: 1339949PubMedEurope PMCNature 627:130-136 (2024)Mapped to99+
Decreased miR-329-3p upregulates <i>Adamts4</i> and <i>Dnajb1</i> in mouse hepatic I/R injury in an age-independent manner.Zhu L., Duan W., Yang B., Wang L.View abstractAnnotationDecreased miR-329-3p upregulates Adamts4 and Dnajb1 in mouse hepatic I/R injury in an age-independent manner.SourceGeneRif: 240913PubMedEurope PMCInt J Med Sci 20:1562-1569 (2023)Mapped to10
ADAMTS4 Enhances Oligodendrocyte Differentiation and Remyelination by Cleaving NG2 Proteoglycan and Attenuating pii>PDGFRpi/i>alpha Signaling.Jiang C., Qiu W., Yang Y., Huang H., Dai Z.M., Yang A., Tang T., Zhao X., Qiu M.View abstractSourceMGI: 1339949PubMedEurope PMCJ Neurosci 43:4405-4417 (2023)Mapped to19
ADAMTS4 is involved in the production of the Alzheimer disease amyloid biomarker APP669-711.Matsuzaki M., Yokoyama M., Yoshizawa Y., Kaneko N., Naito H., Kobayashi H., Korenaga A., Sekiya S., Ikemura K.[...], Tomita T.View abstractAnnotationADAMTS4 is involved in the production of the Alzheimer disease amyloid biomarker APP669-711.CategoriesFunctionSourceGeneRif: 240913, MGI: 1339949PubMedEurope PMCMol Psychiatry 28:1802-1812 (2023)Mapped to10
Sensory Nerve Maintains Intervertebral Disc Extracellular Matrix Homeostasis Via CGRP/CHSY1 Axis.Hu B., Lv X., Wei L., Wang Y., Zheng G., Yang C., Zang F., Wang J., Li J.[...], Chen H.View abstractSourceMGI: 1339949PubMedEurope PMCAdv Sci (Weinh) 9:e2202620-e2202620 (2022)Mapped to40
Exuberant fibroblast activity compromises lung function via ADAMTS4.Boyd D.F., Allen E.K., Randolph A.G., Guo X.J., Weng Y., Sanders C.J., Bajracharya R., Lee N.K., Guy C.S.[...], Dugas M.A.View abstractAnnotationExuberant fibroblast activity compromises lung function via ADAMTS4.CategoriesFunctionSourceGeneRif: 240913, MGI: 1339949PubMedEurope PMCNature 587:466-471 (2020)Mapped to10
Vascular dimorphism ensured by regulated proteoglycan dynamics favors rapid umbilical artery closure at birth.Nandadasa S., Szafron J.M., Pathak V., Murtada S.I., Kraft C.M., O'Donnell A., Norvik C., Hughes C., Caterson B.[...], Apte S.S.View abstractCategoriesExpressionSourceMGI: 1339949PubMedEurope PMCElife 9:e60683-e60683 (2020)Mapped to62
Cerebral cavernous malformations are driven by ADAMTS5 proteolysis of versican.Hong C.C., Tang A.T., Detter M.R., Choi J.P., Wang R., Yang X., Guerrero A.A., Wittig C.F., Hobson N.[...], Kahn M.L.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 1339949PubMedEurope PMCJ Exp Med 217:e20200140-e20200140 (2020)Mapped to60
MiR-126a-5p limits the formation of abdominal aortic aneurysm in mice and decreases ADAMTS-4 expression.Li L., Ma W., Pan S., Li Y., Wang H., Wang B., Khalil R.A.View abstractAnnotationMiR-126a-5p limits the formation of abdominal aortic aneurysm in mice and decreases ADAMTS-4 expression.CategoriesFunctionSourceGeneRif: 240913PubMedEurope PMCJ Cell Mol Med 24:7896-7906 (2020)Mapped to6
Inhibition of ADAMTS-4 Expression in Olfactory Ensheathing Cells Enhances Recovery after Transplantation within Spinal Cord Injury.Delarue Q., Mayeur A., Chalfouh C., Honore A., Duclos C., Di Giovanni M., Li X., Salaun M., Dampierre J.[...], Guerout N.View abstractAnnotationInhibition of ADAMTS-4 Expression in Olfactory Ensheathing Cells Enhances Recovery after Transplantation within Spinal Cord Injury.CategoriesFunction, ExpressionSourceGeneRif: 240913PubMedEurope PMCJ Neurotrauma 37:507-516 (2020)Mapped to6
ADAMTS18 Deficiency Affects Neuronal Morphogenesis and Reduces the Levels of Depression-like Behaviors in Mice.Zhu R., Pan Y.H., Sun L., Zhang T., Wang C., Ye S., Yang N., Lu T., Wisniewski T.[...], Zhang W.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceMGI: 1339949PubMedEurope PMCNeuroscience 399:53-64 (2019)Mapped to95
The metalloprotease ADAMTS4 generates N-truncated Abeta4-x species and marks oligodendrocytes as a source of amyloidogenic peptides in Alzheimer's disease.Walter S., Jumpertz T., Huttenrauch M., Ogorek I., Gerber H., Storck S.E., Zampar S., Dimitrov M., Lehmann S.[...], Weggen S.View abstractAnnotationADAMTS4 was exclusively expressed in oligodendrocytesSourceGeneRif: 240913, MGI: 1339949PubMedEurope PMCActa Neuropathol 137:239-257 (2019)Mapped to10