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The A-type cyclin CYCA2;3 is a key regulator of ploidy levels in Arabidopsis endoreduplication.Imai K.K., Ohashi Y., Tsuge T., Yoshizumi T., Matsui M., Oka A., Aoyama T.View abstractCited forFUNCTION, SUBCELLULAR LOCATION, INTERACTION WITH CDKA-1CategoriesFunction, Interaction, Subcellular LocationSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCPlant Cell 18:382-396 (2006)Cited in2Mapped to1
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Requirement for A-type cyclin-dependent kinase and cyclins for the terminal division in the stomatal lineage of Arabidopsis.Yang K., Wang H., Xue S., Qu X., Zou J., Le J.View abstractCited forFUNCTIONStraincv. ColumbiaCategoryFunctionSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCJ. Exp. Bot. 65:2449-2461 (2014)Cited in8Mapped to5
ERF4 interacts with and antagonizes TCP15 in regulating endoreduplication and cell growth in Arabidopsis.Ding A.M., Xu C.T., Xie Q., Zhang M.J., Yan N., Dai C.B., Lv J., Cui M.M., Wang W.F., Sun Y.H.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceTAIR: AT1G15570PubMedEurope PMCJ Integr Plant Biol 64:1673-1689 (2022)Mapped to3
Arabidopsis F-BOX STRESS INDUCED 4 is required to repress excessive divisions in stomatal development.Li Y., Xue S., He Q., Wang J., Zhu L., Zou J., Zhang J., Zuo C., Fan Z.[...], Le J.View abstractCategoryInteractionSourceTAIR: AT1G15570PubMedEurope PMCJ Integr Plant Biol 64:56-72 (2022)Mapped to17
The CDK Inhibitor SIAMESE Targets Both CDKA;1 and CDKB1 Complexes to Establish Endoreplication in Trichomes.Wang K., Ndathe R.W., Kumar N., Zeringue E.A., Kato N., Larkin J.C.View abstractCategoryInteractionSourceTAIR: AT1G15570PubMedEurope PMCPlant Physiol 184:165-175 (2020)Mapped to4
Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid is a key regulator of guard mother cell terminal division in Arabidopsis thaliana.Yin J., Zhang X., Zhang G., Wen Y., Liang G., Chen X.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceTAIR: AT1G15570PubMedEurope PMCJ Exp Bot 70:897-908 (2019)Mapped to29
The MADS-box XAANTAL1 increases proliferation at the Arabidopsis root stem-cell niche and participates in transition to differentiation by regulating cell-cycle components.Garcia-Cruz K.V., Garcia-Ponce B., Garay-Arroyo A., Sanchez M.P., Ugartechea-Chirino Y., Desvoyes B., Pacheco-Escobedo M.A., Tapia-Lopez R., Ransom-Rodriguez I.[...], Alvarez-Buylla E.R.View abstractCategoriesFunction, ExpressionSourceTAIR: AT1G15570PubMedEurope PMCAnn Bot 118:787-796 (2016)Mapped to7
UBIQUITIN-SPECIFIC PROTEASE14 Interacts with ULTRAVIOLET-B INSENSITIVE4 to Regulate Endoreduplication and Cell and Organ Growth in Arabidopsis.Xu Y., Jin W., Li N., Zhang W., Liu C., Li C., Li Y.View abstractCategoriesFunction, InteractionSourceTAIR: AT1G15570PubMedEurope PMCPlant Cell 28:1200-1214 (2016)Mapped to6
Ectopic expression of TAPETUM DETERMINANT1 affects ovule development in Arabidopsis.Huang J., Wijeratne A.J., Tang C., Zhang T., Fenelon R.E., Owen H.A., Zhao D.View abstractCategoriesFunction, ExpressionSourceTAIR: AT1G15570PubMedEurope PMCJ Exp Bot 67:1311-1326 (2016)Mapped to6
Arabidopsis ULTRAVIOLET-B-INSENSITIVE4 maintains cell division activity by temporal inhibition of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome.Heyman J., Van den Daele H., De Wit K., Boudolf V., Berckmans B., Verkest A., Alvim Kamei C.L., De Jaeger G., Koncz C., De Veylder L.View abstractCategoriesFunction, InteractionSourceTAIR: AT1G15570PubMedEurope PMCPlant Cell 23:4394-4410 (2011)Cited in3Mapped to1
GIGAS CELL1, a novel negative regulator of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome, is required for proper mitotic progression and cell fate determination in Arabidopsis.Iwata E., Ikeda S., Matsunaga S., Kurata M., Yoshioka Y., Criqui M.-C., Genschik P., Ito M.View abstractCategoryInteractionSourceTAIR: AT1G15570PubMedEurope PMCPlant Cell 23:4382-4393 (2011)Cited in6Mapped to21
The Arabidopsis transcription factor AtTCP15 regulates endoreduplication by modulating expression of key cell-cycle genes.Li Z.Y., Li B., Dong A.W.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceTAIR: AT1G15570PubMedEurope PMCMol. Plant 5:270-280 (2012)Cited in1Mapped to4
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Transcriptome analysis of Arabidopsis wild-type and gl3-sst sim trichomes identifies four additional genes required for trichome development.Marks M.D., Wenger J.P., Gilding E., Jilk R., Dixon R.A.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceTAIR: AT1G15570PubMedEurope PMCMol. Plant 2:803-822 (2009)Cited in2Mapped to95
CDKB1;1 forms a functional complex with CYCA2;3 to suppress endocycle onset.Boudolf V., Lammens T., Boruc J., Van Leene J., Van Den Daele H., Maes S., Van Isterdael G., Russinova E., Kondorosi E.[...], De Veylder L.View abstractAnnotationCCS52A1 participates in endocycle onset by down-regulating CDKB1;1 activity through the destruction of CYCA2;3.CategoriesFunction, InteractionSourceGeneRif: 838127, TAIR: AT1G15570PubMedEurope PMCPlant Physiol 150:1482-1493 (2009)Mapped to4