Q15136 · Q15136_HUMAN
- ProteinProtein kinase A-alpha
- StatusUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)
- Organism
- Amino acids207 (go to sequence)
- Protein existenceEvidence at protein level
- Annotation score1/5
Genomic coordinates
Gene ENSG00000288516
- ChromosomeHG109_PATCH
- StrandReverse
- Assembly NameGRCh38
- Nucleotide IDML143376.1
- Ensembl gene ID
Isoform: Q15136
- Genomic location
- Number of exons6
- Ensembl transcript and translation IDs
Gene ENSG00000072062
- Chromosome19
- StrandReverse
- Assembly NameGRCh38
- Nucleotide IDCM000681.2
- Ensembl gene ID
Isoform: Q15136
- Genomic location
- Number of exons6
- Ensembl transcript and translation IDs