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Crosstalks between myo-inositol metabolism, programmed cell death and basal immunity in Arabidopsis.Meng P.H., Raynaud C., Tcherkez G., Blanchet S., Massoud K., Domenichini S., Henry Y., Soubigou-Taconnat L., Lelarge-Trouverie C.[...], Bergounioux C.View abstractCited forINTERACTION WITH ATXR5 AND ATXR6, SUBUNIT, SUBCELLULAR LOCATION, DISRUPTION PHENOTYPECategoriesInteraction, Phenotypes & Variants, Subcellular LocationSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCPLoS ONE 4:E7364-E7364 (2009)Cited in5Mapped to3
The Arabidopsis thaliana Myo-inositol 1-phosphate synthase1 gene is required for Myo-inositol synthesis and suppression of cell death.Donahue J.L., Alford S.R., Torabinejad J., Kerwin R.E., Nourbakhsh A., Ray W.K., Hernick M., Huang X., Lyons B.M.[...], Gillaspy G.E.View abstractCited forFUNCTION, CATALYTIC ACTIVITY, COFACTOR, BIOPHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES, TISSUE SPECIFICITY, DISRUPTION PHENOTYPE, SUBCELLULAR LOCATIONCategoriesFunction, Expression, Phenotypes & Variants, Subcellular LocationSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCPlant Cell 22:888-903 (2010)Cited in3Mapped to4
Dual function of MIPS1 as a metabolic enzyme and transcriptional regulator.Latrasse D., Jegu T., Meng P.H., Mazubert C., Hudik E., Delarue M., Charon C., Crespi M., Hirt H.[...], Benhamed M.View abstractCited forFUNCTION, SUBCELLULAR LOCATION, INTERACTION WITH ATXR6, INDUCTION BY FLAGELLIN AND IPS1CategoriesFunction, Expression, Interaction, Subcellular LocationSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCNucleic Acids Res. 41:2907-2917 (2013)Cited in2Mapped to4
Involvement of Arabidopsis BIG protein in cell death mediated by Myo- inositol homeostasis.Bruggeman Q., Piron-Prunier F., Tellier F., Faure J.D., Latrasse D., Manza-Mianza D., Mazubert C., Citerne S., Boutet-Mercey S.[...], Delarue M.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceTAIR: AT4G39800PubMedEurope PMCSci Rep 10:11268-11268 (2020)Mapped to7
The Tonoplastic Inositol Transporter INT1 From <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> Impacts Cell Elongation in a Sucrose-Dependent Way.Strobl S.M., Kischka D., Heilmann I., Mouille G., Schneider S.View abstractCategoriesFunction, ExpressionSourceTAIR: AT4G39800PubMedEurope PMCFront Plant Sci 9:1657-1657 (2018)Mapped to3
Co-suppression of AtMIPS demonstrates cooperation of MIPS1, MIPS2 and MIPS3 in maintaining myo-inositol synthesis.Fleet C.M., Yen J.Y., Hill E.A., Gillaspy G.E.View abstractAnnotationworks with MIPS2 AND MIPS3 to impact the overall synthesis of myo-inositol and overall inositol homeostasisCategoriesFunction, ExpressionSourceGeneRif: 830139, TAIR: AT4G39800PubMedEurope PMCPlant Mol Biol 97:253-263 (2018)Mapped to8
Involvement of Inositol Biosynthesis and Nitric Oxide in the Mediation of UV-B Induced Oxidative Stress.Lytvyn D.I., Raynaud C., Yemets A.I., Bergounioux C., Blume Y.B.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceTAIR: AT4G39800PubMedEurope PMCFront Plant Sci 7:430-430 (2016)Mapped to2
Chloroplast Activity and 3'phosphadenosine 5'phosphate Signaling Regulate Programmed Cell Death in Arabidopsis.Bruggeman Q., Mazubert C., Prunier F., Lugan R., Chan K.X., Phua S.Y., Pogson B.J., Krieger-Liszkay A., Delarue M.[...], Raynaud C.View abstractAnnotationchlorophyll accumulation Is required for the onset of programmed cell death (PCD) in myoinositol phosphate synthase1 (mips1) mutant.CategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceGeneRif: 830139PubMedEurope PMCPlant Physiol 170:1745-1756 (2016)Mapped to3
Arabidopsis FHY3 and FAR1 Regulate Light-Induced myo-Inositol Biosynthesis and Oxidative Stress Responses by Transcriptional Activation of MIPS1.Ma L., Tian T., Lin R., Deng X.W., Wang H., Li G.View abstractAnnotationFHY3 and FAR1 directly bind the promoter of MIPS1 to activate its expression and thereby promote inositol biosynthesis to preventCategoriesFunction, ExpressionSourceGeneRif: 830139, TAIR: AT4G39800PubMedEurope PMCMol Plant 9:541-557 (2016)Mapped to9
Involvement of Arabidopsis Hexokinase1 in Cell Death Mediated by Myo- Inositol Accumulation.Bruggeman Q., Prunier F., Mazubert C., de Bont L., Garmier M., Lugan R., Benhamed M., Bergounioux C., Raynaud C., Delarue M.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceTAIR: AT4G39800PubMedEurope PMCPlant Cell 27:1801-1814 (2015)Mapped to9
Genome-wide screening of salt tolerant genes by activation-tagging using dedifferentiated calli of Arabidopsis and its application to finding gene for Myo-inositol-1-p-synthase.Ahmad A., Niwa Y., Goto S., Kobayashi K., Shimizu M., Ito S., Usui Y., Nakayama T., Kobayashi H.View abstractCategoriesExpression, Function, Function, ExpressionSourcepGenN:25978457, pGenN:25978457, TAIR: AT4G39800PubMedEurope PMCPLoS One 10:e0115502-e0115502 (2015)Mapped to2
Arabidopsis inositol pentakisphosphate 2-kinase, AtIPK1, is required for growth and modulates phosphate homeostasis at the transcriptional level.Kuo H.F., Chang T.Y., Chiang S.F., Wang W.D., Charng Y.Y., Chiou T.J.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceTAIR: AT4G39800PubMedEurope PMCPlant J 80:503-515 (2014)Mapped to6
The polyadenylation factor subunit CLEAVAGE AND POLYADENYLATION SPECIFICITY FACTOR30: A key factor of programmed cell death and a regulator of immunity in Arabidopsis.Bruggeman Q., Garmier M., de Bont L., Soubigou-Taconnat L., Mazubert C., Benhamed M., Raynaud C., Bergounioux C., Delarue M.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceTAIR: AT4G39800PubMedEurope PMCPlant Physiol. 165:732-746 (2014)Cited in1Mapped to13
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D-myo-inositol-3-phosphate affects phosphatidylinositol-mediated endomembrane function in Arabidopsis and is essential for auxin-regulated embryogenesis.Luo Y., Qin G., Zhang J., Liang Y., Song Y., Zhao M., Tsuge T., Aoyama T., Liu J.[...], Qu L.J.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceTAIR: AT4G39800PubMedEurope PMCPlant Cell 23:1352-1372 (2011)Mapped to8