- ProteinLarge ribosomal subunit protein eL42A
- GeneRPL42A
- StatusUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)
- Amino acids106 (go to sequence)
- Protein existenceEvidence at protein level
- Annotation score5/5
Genomic coordinates
Gene YNL162W
- ChromosomeXIV
- StrandForward
- Assembly NameR64-1-1
- Nucleotide IDBK006947.3
- Gene ID
Isoform: P0CX27
- Genomic locationXIV:331,322 - 332,151
- Number of exons2
- Transcript and translation IDs
Gene YHR141C
- ChromosomeVIII
- StrandReverse
- Assembly NameR64-1-1
- Nucleotide IDBK006934.2
- Gene ID
Isoform: P0CX27
- Genomic locationVIII:381,993 - 382,751
- Number of exons2
- Transcript and translation IDs