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Uptake of L-cystine via an ABC transporter contributes defense of oxidative stress in the L-cystine export-dependent manner in Escherichia coli.Ohtsu I., Kawano Y., Suzuki M., Morigasaki S., Saiki K., Yamazaki S., Nonaka G., Takagi H.View abstractCited forFUNCTION, SUBUNIT, INDUCTION, DISRUPTION PHENOTYPECategoriesFunction, Expression, Interaction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCPLoS ONE 10:E0120619-E0120619 (2015)Cited in4
Physiological roles and adverse effects of the two cystine importers of Escherichia coli.Chonoles Imlay K.R., Korshunov S., Imlay J.A.View abstractCited forFUNCTION, SUBUNITCategoriesFunction, InteractionSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCJ. Bacteriol. 197:3629-3644 (2015)Cited in4