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Gene activation by Varicella-zoster virus IE4 protein requires its dimerization and involves both the arginine-rich sequence, the central part, and the carboxyl-terminal cysteine-rich region.Baudoux L., Defechereux P., Rentier B., Piette J.View abstractCited forSUBUNITCategoriesInteractionSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCJ. Biol. Chem. 275:32822-32831 (2000)Cited in1
Varicella-zoster virus IE4 protein interacts with SR proteins and exports mRNAs through the TAP/NXF1 pathway.Ote I., Lebrun M., Vandevenne P., Bontems S., Medina-Palazon C., Manet E., Piette J., Sadzot-Delvaux C.View abstractCited forFUNCTION, INTERACTION WITH HUMAN SRSF1; SRSF3; SRSF7 AND SRPK1StrainNIKCategoriesFunction, InteractionSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCPLoS ONE 4:E7882-E7882 (2009)Cited in1Mapped to5