• Protein
    Mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription subunit 18
  • Gene
  • Status
    UniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)
  • Amino acids
  • Protein existence
    Inferred from homology
  • Annotation score



Component of the Mediator complex, a coactivator involved in the regulated transcription of nearly all RNA polymerase II-dependent genes. Mediator functions as a bridge to convey information from gene-specific regulatory proteins to the basal RNA polymerase II transcription machinery. Mediator is recruited to promoters by direct interactions with regulatory proteins and serves as a scaffold for the assembly of a functional preinitiation complex with RNA polymerase II and the general transcription factors.

GO annotations

all annotationsall molecular functionnucleotide bindingmolecular_functionnucleic acid bindingdna bindingchromatin bindingdna-binding transcription factor activityrna bindingcytoskeletal motor activitycatalytic activitynuclease activitysignaling receptor bindingstructural molecule activitytransporter activitybindingprotein bindingtranslation factor activity, rna bindinglipid bindingkinase activitytransferase activityhydrolase activityoxygen bindingenzyme regulator activitycarbohydrate bindingsignaling receptor activitytranslation regulator activitytranscription regulator activityother molecular functionall biological processcarbohydrate metabolic processgeneration of precursor metabolites and energynucleobase-containing compound metabolic processdna metabolic processtranslationlipid metabolic processtransportresponse to stresscell cyclecell communicationsignal transductioncell-cell signalingmulticellular organism developmentcircadian rhythmbiological_processmetabolic processcatabolic processbiosynthetic processresponse to light stimulusresponse to external stimulustropismresponse to biotic stimulusresponse to abiotic stimulusresponse to endogenous stimulusembryo developmentpost-embryonic developmentfruit ripeningabscissionpollinationflower developmentcellular processprogrammed cell deathphotosynthesiscellular component organizationcell growthprotein metabolic processcellular homeostasissecondary metabolic processreproductive processcell differentiationprotein modification processgrowthepigenetic regulation of gene expressionresponse to chemicalanatomical structure developmentregulation of molecular functionother biological processall cellular componentcellular_componentextracellular regioncell wallintracellular anatomical structurenucleusnuclear envelopenucleoplasmnucleoluscytoplasmmitochondrionlysosomeendosomevacuoleperoxisomeendoplasmic reticulumgolgi apparatuscytosolribosomecytoskeletonplasma membranechloroplastplastidthylakoidmembraneexternal encapsulating structureother cellular component
Cell color indicative of number of GO terms
Cellular Componentcore mediator complex
Cellular Componentmediator complex
Molecular Functiontranscription coregulator activity
Biological Processcarpel development
Biological ProcessmiRNA processing
Biological Processnegative regulation of DNA-templated transcription
Biological Processpetal development
Biological Processpositive regulation of transcription initiation by RNA polymerase II
Biological Processregulation of defense response to fungus
Biological Processregulation of DNA-templated transcription elongation
Biological Processregulation of photoperiodism, flowering
Biological Processregulation of salicylic acid mediated signaling pathway
Biological Processregulation of termination of DNA-templated transcription
Biological Processregulation of timing of transition from vegetative to reproductive phase
Biological Processregulation of vernalization response
Biological Processresponse to abscisic acid
Biological Processresponse to ethylene
Biological Processsepal development
Biological Processspecification of floral organ number
Biological Processstamen development
Biological Processtermination of RNA polymerase II transcription


Names & Taxonomy

Protein names

  • Recommended name
    Mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription subunit 18
  • Alternative names
    • Mediator complex subunit 18

Gene names

    • Name
    • Synonyms

Organism names

  • Taxonomic identifier
  • Taxonomic lineage
    Eukaryota > Viridiplantae > Streptophyta > Embryophyta > Tracheophyta > Spermatophyta > Magnoliopsida > Liliopsida > Poales > Poaceae > BOP clade > Oryzoideae > Oryzeae > Oryzinae > Oryza


  • Primary accession


Genome annotation databases

Subcellular Location


  • Cellular component



Component of the Mediator complex.

Protein-protein interaction databases

Family & Domains

Sequence similarities

Belongs to the Mediator complex subunit 18 family.

Phylogenomic databases

Family and domain databases


  • Sequence status
  • Length
  • Mass (Da)
  • Last updated
    2012-10-03 v1
  • Checksum


Sequence databases

Genome annotation databases

Similar Proteins


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