Genetic divergence, range expansion and possible homoploid hybrid speciation among pine species in Northeast China.Ren G.P., Abbott R.J., Zhou Y.F., Zhang L.R., Peng Y.L., Liu J.Q.View abstractCited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCECategoriesSequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)PubMedEurope PMCHeredity (Edinb) 108:552-562 (2012)Cited in82
No title available.Ren G., Abbott R.J., Zhou Y., Zhang L., Peng Y., Liu J.Cited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCECategoriesSequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)Submission Submitted to EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases (MAR-2011)Cited in82