- ProteinWhirlin
- GeneWhrn
- StatusUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)
- Organism
- Amino acids
- Protein existencePredicted
- Annotation score1/5
Publications for F7BB17
Whirlin increases TRPV1 channel expression and cellular stability.
- CategoryInteraction
- SourceMGI: 2682003
The PDZ-domain protein Whirlin facilitates mechanosensory signaling in mammalian proprioceptors.
- CategoryInteraction
- SourceMGI: 2682003
RpgrORF15 connects to the usher protein network through direct interactions with multiple whirlin isoforms.
- CategoryInteraction
- SourceMGI: 2682003
Regulation of stereocilia length by myosin XVa and whirlin depends on the actin-regulatory protein Eps8.
- CategoryInteraction
- SourceMGI: 2682003
Whirlin replacement restores the formation of the USH2 protein complex in whirlin knockout photoreceptors.
- CategoriesFunction, Interaction, Subcellular Location
- SourceMGI: 2682003
Ablation of whirlin long isoform disrupts the USH2 protein complex and causes vision and hearing loss.
- CategoryInteraction
- SourceMGI: 2682003
A novel Usher protein network at the periciliary reloading point between molecular transport machineries in vertebrate photoreceptor cells.
- CategoriesInteraction, Subcellular Location
- SourceMGI: 2682003
MPP1 links the Usher protein network and the Crumbs protein complex in the retina.
- CategoryInteraction
- SourceMGI: 2682003
Myosin-XVa is required for tip localization of whirlin and differential elongation of hair-cell stereocilia.
- CategoryInteraction
- SourceMGI: 2682003
Mutant analysis reveals whirlin as a dynamic organizer in the growing hair cell stereocilium.
- CategoryInteraction
- SourceMGI: 2682003