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Protective Role of Endothelial Fibulin-4 in Valvulo-Arterial Integrity.Nguyen T.A.V., Lino C.A., Hang H.T., Alves J.V., Thang B.Q., Shin S.J., Sugiyama K., Matsunaga H., Takeyama H.[...], Yanagisawa H.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 1891209PubMedEurope PMCJ Am Heart Assoc 12:e026942-e026942 (2023)Mapped to21
Cell-Type-Specific Gene Expression in Developing Mouse Neocortex: Intermediate Progenitors Implicated in Axon Development.Bedogni F., Hevner R.F.View abstractSourceMGI: 1891209PubMedEurope PMCFront Mol Neurosci 14:686034-686034 (2021)Mapped to99+
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Fibulin-4 deficiency differentially affects cytoskeleton structure and dynamics as well as TGFbeta signaling.Burger J., van Vliet N., van Heijningen P., Kumra H., Kremers G.J., Alves M., van Cappellen G., Yanagisawa H., Reinhardt D.P.[...], Essers J.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 1891209PubMedEurope PMCCell Signal 58:65-78 (2019)Mapped to201
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Fibulin-4 is essential for maintaining arterial wall integrity in conduit but not muscular arteries.Halabi C.M., Broekelmann T.J., Lin M., Lee V.S., Chu M.L., Mecham R.P.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceMGI: 1891209PubMedEurope PMCSci. Adv. 3:e1602532-e1602532 (2017)Cited in1Mapped to14
Function of Ltbp-4L and fibulin-4 in survival and elastogenesis in mice.Bultmann-Mellin I., Essers J., van Heijingen P.M., von Melchner H., Sengle G., Sterner-Kock A.View abstractCategoriesInteractionSourceMGI: 1891209PubMedEurope PMCDis Model Mech 9:1367-1374 (2016)Mapped to26
Forelimb contractures and abnormal tendon collagen fibrillogenesis in fibulin-4 null mice.Markova D.Z., Pan T.C., Zhang R.Z., Zhang G., Sasaki T., Arita M., Birk D.E., Chu M.L.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 1891209PubMedEurope PMCCell Tissue Res. 364:637-646 (2016)Cited in1Mapped to26
Loss of fibulin-4 results in abnormal collagen fibril assembly in bone, caused by impaired lysyl oxidase processing and collagen cross-linking.Sasaki T., Stoop R., Sakai T., Hess A., Deutzmann R., Schloetzer-Schrehardt U., Chu M.L., von der Mark K.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceMGI: 1891209PubMedEurope PMCMatrix Biol. 50:53-66 (2016)Cited in1Mapped to20
Abnormal mechanosensing and cofilin activation promote the progression of ascending aortic aneurysms in mice.Yamashiro Y., Papke C.L., Kim J., Ringuette L.J., Zhang Q.J., Liu Z.P., Mirzaei H., Wagenseil J.E., Davis E.C., Yanagisawa H.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 1891209PubMedEurope PMCSci. Signal. 8:ra105-ra105 (2015)Cited in1Mapped to14
Loss of fibulin-4 disrupts collagen synthesis and maturation: implications for pathology resulting from EFEMP2 mutations.Papke C.L., Tsunezumi J., Ringuette L.J., Nagaoka H., Terajima M., Yamashiro Y., Urquhart G., Yamauchi M., Davis E.C., Yanagisawa H.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 1891209PubMedEurope PMCHum. Mol. Genet. 24:5867-5879 (2015)Cited in2Mapped to21
Fibulin-4 E57K Knock-in Mice Recapitulate Cutaneous, Vascular and Skeletal Defects of Recessive Cutis Laxa 1B with both Elastic Fiber and Collagen Fibril Abnormalities.Igoucheva O., Alexeev V., Halabi C.M., Adams S.M., Stoilov I., Sasaki T., Arita M., Donahue A., Mecham R.P.[...], Chu M.L.View abstractCategoriesSequences, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceMGI: 1891209PubMedEurope PMCJ. Biol. Chem. 290:21443-21459 (2015)Cited in1Mapped to14
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Modeling autosomal recessive cutis laxa type 1C in mice reveals distinct functions for Ltbp-4 isoforms.Bultmann-Mellin I., Conradi A., Maul A.C., Dinger K., Wempe F., Wohl A.P., Imhof T., Wunderlich F.T., Bunck A.C.[...], Sterner-Kock A.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 1891209PubMedEurope PMCDis. Model. Mech. 8:403-415 (2015)Cited in2Mapped to21
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