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X-ray and cryo-EM structures of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter.Fan C., Fan M., Orlando B.J., Fastman N.M., Zhang J., Xu Y., Chambers M.G., Xu X., Perry K.[...], Feng L.View abstractCited forX-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY (3.10 ANGSTROMS) OF 99-426 IN COMPLEX WITH CALCIUM, FUNCTION, TRANSPORTER ACTIVITY, ACTIVITY REGULATION, SUBUNIT, SUBCELLULAR LOCATION, DOMAIN, MUTAGENESIS OF PHE-326; GLY-331; TRP-332; ASP-333; GLU-336; PRO-337; TYR-340; LEU-341; GLY-343; ILE-347; GLY-350 AND PHE-354CategoriesFunction, Family & Domains, Interaction, Phenotypes & Variants, Structure, Subcellular LocationSourceUniProtKB reviewed (Swiss-Prot)PubMedEurope PMCNature 559:575-579 (2018)Cited in2