Cadmium-induced alternative splicing of the AtWRKY6 gene.Luo Y., Qi X.Cited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCECategorySequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)Submission Submitted to EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases (APR-2010)Cited in1
BREVIPEDICELLUS and ERECTA control the expression of AtPRX17 to prevent Arabidopsis callus browning.Xie J., Qi B., Mou C., Wang L., Jiao Y., Dou Y., Zheng H.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCJ Exp Bot 73:1516-1532 (2022)Mapped to7
Arsenite provides a selective signal that coordinates arsenate uptake and detoxification through the regulation of PHR1 stability in Arabidopsis.Navarro C., Mateo-Elizalde C., Mohan T.C., Sanchez-Bermejo E., Urrutia O., Fernandez-Muniz M.N., Garcia-Mina J.M., Munoz R., Paz-Ares J.[...], Leyva A.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCMol Plant 14:1489-1507 (2021)Mapped to23
The NPR1-WRKY46-WRKY6 signaling cascade mediates probenazole/salicylic acid-elicited leaf senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana.Zhang D., Zhu Z., Gao J., Zhou X., Zhu S., Wang X., Wang X., Ren G., Kuai B.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCJ Integr Plant Biol 63:924-936 (2021)Mapped to8
The Ca<sup>2+</sup> -regulated protein kinase CIPK1 integrates plant responses to phosphate deficiency in Arabidopsis thaliana.Lu X., Li X., Xie D., Jiang C., Wang C., Li L., Zhang Y., Tian H., Gao H., Wang C.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCPlant Biol (Stuttg) 22:753-760 (2020)Mapped to8
The WRKY6 transcription factor affects seed oil accumulation and alters fatty acid compositions in Arabidopsis thaliana.Song G., Li X., Munir R., Khan A.R., Azhar W., Yasin M.U., Jiang Q., Bancroft I., Gan Y.View abstractCategoriesFunction, ExpressionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCPhysiol Plant 169:612-624 (2020)Mapped to4
NPR1 Promotes Its Own and Target Gene Expression in Plant Defense by Recruiting CDK8.Chen J., Mohan R., Zhang Y., Li M., Chen H., Palmer I.A., Chang M., Qi G., Spoel S.H.[...], Fu Z.Q.View abstractCategoriesFunction, InteractionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCPlant Physiol 181:289-304 (2019)Mapped to41
Multiple intramolecular trafficking signals in RESISTANCE TO POWDERY MILDEW 8.2 are engaged in activation of cell death and defense.Huang Y.Y., Zhang L.L., Ma X.F., Zhao Z.X., Zhao J.H., Zhao J.Q., Fan J., Li Y., He P.[...], Wang W.M.View abstractCategoriesFamily & Domains, FunctionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCPlant J 98:55-70 (2019)Mapped to13
Antagonistic Roles of PhyA and PhyB in Far-Red Light-Dependent Leaf Senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana.Lim J., Park J.H., Jung S., Hwang D., Nam H.G., Hong S.View abstractCategoriesFunction, ExpressionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCPlant Cell Physiol 59:1753-1764 (2018)Mapped to8
DELLA proteins negatively regulate dark-induced senescence and chlorophyll degradation in Arabidopsis through interaction with the transcription factor WRKY6.Zhang Y., Liu Z., Wang X., Wang J., Fan K., Li Z., Lin W.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCPlant Cell Rep 37:981-992 (2018)Mapped to18
The Ubiquitin E3 Ligase PRU1 Regulates WRKY6 Degradation to Modulate Phosphate Homeostasis in Response to Low-Pi Stress in Arabidopsis.Ye Q., Wang H., Su T., Wu W.H., Chen Y.F.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCPlant Cell 30:1062-1076 (2018)Mapped to5
<i>Piriformospora indica</i> Reprograms Gene Expression in Arabidopsis Phosphate Metabolism Mutants But Does Not Compensate for Phosphate Limitation.Bakshi M., Sherameti I., Meichsner D., Thurich J., Varma A., Johri A.K., Yeh K.W., Oelmuller R.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCFront Microbiol 8:1262-1262 (2017)Mapped to3
StMYB44 negatively regulates phosphate transport by suppressing expression of PHOSPHATE1 in potato.Zhou X., Zha M., Huang J., Li L., Imran M., Zhang C.View abstractCategorySubcellular LocationSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCJ Exp Bot 68:1265-1281 (2017)Mapped to3
Increased root hair density by loss of <i>WRKY6</i> in <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i>.Stetter M.G., Benz M., Ludewig U.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCPeerJ 5:e2891-e2891 (2017)Mapped to3
BZR1 Positively Regulates Freezing Tolerance via CBF-Dependent and CBF- Independent Pathways in Arabidopsis.Li H., Ye K., Shi Y., Cheng J., Zhang X., Yang S.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCMol Plant 10:545-559 (2017)Mapped to21
Correction: An Extracellular Subtilase Switch for Immune Priming in Arabidopsis.Ramirez V., Lopez A., Mauch-Mani B., Gil M.J., Vera P.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCPLoS Pathog 12:e1006003-e1006003 (2016)Mapped to23
Arabidopsis WRKY6 Transcription Factor Acts as a Positive Regulator of Abscisic Acid Signaling during Seed Germination and Early Seedling Development.Huang Y., Feng C.Z., Ye Q., Wu W.H., Chen Y.F.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCPLoS Genet 12:e1005833-e1005833 (2016)Mapped to9
WRKY6 restricts Piriformospora indica-stimulated and phosphate-induced root development in Arabidopsis.Bakshi M., Vahabi K., Bhattacharya S., Sherameti I., Varma A., Yeh K.W., Baldwin I., Johri A.K., Oelmuller R.View abstractCategoryExpressionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCBMC Plant Biol 15:305-305 (2015)Mapped to4
SENESCENCE-SUPPRESSED PROTEIN PHOSPHATASE Directly Interacts with the Cytoplasmic Domain of SENESCENCE-ASSOCIATED RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE and Negatively Regulates Leaf Senescence in Arabidopsis.Xiao D., Cui Y., Xu F., Xu X., Gao G., Wang Y., Guo Z., Wang D., Wang N.N.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Subcellular LocationSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCPlant Physiol 169:1275-1291 (2015)Mapped to40
WRKY40 and WRKY6 act downstream of the green leaf volatile E-2-hexenal in Arabidopsis.Mirabella R., Rauwerda H., Allmann S., Scala A., Spyropoulou E.A., de Vries M., Boersma M.R., Breit T.M., Haring M.A., Schuurink R.C.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCPlant J 83:1082-1096 (2015)Mapped to9
WRKY42 modulates phosphate homeostasis through regulating phosphate translocation and acquisition in Arabidopsis.Su T., Xu Q., Zhang F.C., Chen Y., Li L.Q., Wu W.H., Chen Y.F.View abstractCategoriesFunction, ExpressionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCPlant Physiol. 167:1579-1591 (2015)Cited in3Mapped to7
Arabidopsis ensemble reverse-engineered gene regulatory network discloses interconnected transcription factors in oxidative stress.Vermeirssen V., De Clercq I., Van Parys T., Van Breusegem F., Van de Peer Y.View abstractCategoriesFunction, ExpressionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCPlant Cell 26:4656-4679 (2014)Mapped to9
An Arabidopsis gene regulatory network for secondary cell wall synthesis.Taylor-Teeples M., Lin L., de Lucas M., Turco G., Toal T.W., Gaudinier A., Young N.F., Trabucco G.M., Veling M.T.[...], Brady S.M.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCNature 517:571-575 (2015)Mapped to99+
Mitogen-activated protein kinase 6 regulates NPR1 gene expression and activation during leaf senescence induced by salicylic acid.Chai J., Liu J., Zhou J., Xing D.View abstractCategoryFunctionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCJ Exp Bot 65:6513-6528 (2014)Mapped to7
The beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii modulates the expression of WRKY transcription factors in syncytia to favour its development in Arabidopsis roots.Ali M.A., Wieczorek K., Kreil D.P., Bohlmann H.View abstractCategoriesFunction, ExpressionSourceTAIR: AT1G62300PubMedEurope PMCPLoS One 9:e102360-e102360 (2014)Mapped to11