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The transition to endoreduplication in trophoblast giant cells is regulated by the mSNA zinc finger transcription factor.Nakayama H., Scott I.C., Cross J.C.View abstractCategoriesSequencesSourceMGI: 98510PubMedEurope PMCDev Biol 199:150-163 (1998)Mapped to22
Functional replacement of the mouse E2A gene with a human HEB cDNA.Zhuang Y., Barndt R.J., Pan L., Kelley R., Dai M.View abstractCategoriesFunction, SequencesSourceMGI: 98510PubMedEurope PMCMol Cell Biol 18:3340-3349 (1998)Mapped to12
Capsulin: a novel bHLH transcription factor expressed in epicardial progenitors and mesenchyme of visceral organs.Lu J.-R., Richardson J.A., Olson E.N.View abstractCategoriesSequencesSourceMGI: 98510PubMedEurope PMCMech. Dev. 73:23-32 (1998)Cited in1Mapped to13
The mUBC9 murine ubiquitin conjugating enzyme interacts with the E2A transcription factors.Loveys D.A., Streiff M.B., Schaefer T.S., Kato G.J.View abstractCategoriesSequencesSourceMGI: 98510PubMedEurope PMCGene 201:169-177 (1997)Cited in3Mapped to25
High incidence of T-cell tumors in E2A-null mice and E2A/Id1 double- knockout mice.Yan W., Young A.Z., Soares V.C., Kelley R., Benezra R., Zhuang Y.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceMGI: 98510PubMedEurope PMCMol Cell Biol 17:7317-7327 (1997)Mapped to59
The basic domain of myogenic basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) proteins is the novel target for direct inhibition by another bHLH protein, Twist.Hamamori Y., Wu H.Y., Sartorelli V., Kedes L.View abstractCategoriesFamily & Domains, InteractionSourceMGI: 98510PubMedEurope PMCMol. Cell. Biol. 17:6563-6573 (1997)Cited in2Mapped to17
E2A deficiency leads to abnormalities in alphabeta T-cell development and to rapid development of T-cell lymphomas.Bain G., Engel I., Robanus Maandag E.C., te Riele H.P., Voland J.R., Sharp L.L., Chun J., Huey B., Pinkel D., Murre C.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 98510PubMedEurope PMCMol Cell Biol 17:4782-4791 (1997)Mapped to12
Identification of interaction partners for the basic-helix-loop-helix protein E47.Dear T.N., Hainzl T., Follo M., Nehls M., Wilmore H., Matena K., Boehm T.View abstractCategoriesSequences, InteractionSourceMGI: 98510PubMedEurope PMCOncogene 14:891-898 (1997)Cited in1Mapped to75
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Physical and functional interactions between the transcriptional inhibitors Id3 and ITF-2b. Evidence toward a novel mechanism regulating muscle-specific gene expression.Chen B., Lim R.W.View abstractCategoriesInteractionSourceMGI: 98510PubMedEurope PMCJ Biol Chem 272:2459-2463 (1997)Mapped to76
Restricted expression of a novel murine atonal-related bHLH protein in undifferentiated neural precursors.Gradwohl G., Fode C., Guillemot F.View abstractCategoriesSequencesSourceMGI: 98510PubMedEurope PMCDev. Biol. 180:227-241 (1996)Cited in1Mapped to45
Cooperative transcriptional activation by the neurogenic basic helix-loop- helix protein MASH1 and members of the myocyte enhancer factor-2 (MEF2) family.Black B.L., Ligon K.L., Zhang Y., Olson E.N.View abstractCategoriesSequencesSourceMGI: 98510PubMedEurope PMCJ Biol Chem 271:26659-26663 (1996)Mapped to47
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B-lymphocyte development is regulated by the combined dosage of three basic helix-loop-helix genes, E2A, E2-2, and HEB.Zhuang Y., Cheng P., Weintraub H.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceMGI: 98510PubMedEurope PMCMol Cell Biol 16:2898-2905 (1996)Mapped to73
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Polymorphism of the mouse transcription factor-encoding gene E2A.Marlow S.A., Kay P.H., Papadimitriou J.M.View abstractCategoriesSequencesSourceMGI: 98510PubMedEurope PMCGene 141:303-304 (1994)Mapped to12
Identification of amino-acid polymorphism within the leucine zipper motif of mouse transcription factor A1.Kajimoto Y., Kawamori R., Umayahara Y., Watada H., Iwama N., Morishima T., Yamasaki Y., Kamada T.View abstractCategoriesSequencesSourceMGI: 98510PubMedEurope PMCGene 139:247-249 (1994)Cited in1Mapped to11
Chimeric homeobox gene E2A-PBX1 induces proliferation, apoptosis, and malignant lymphomas in transgenic mice.Dedera D.A., Waller E.K., LeBrun D.P., Sen-Majumdar A., Stevens M.E., Barsh G.S., Cleary M.L.View abstractCategoriesFunction, SequencesSourceMGI: 98510PubMedEurope PMCCell 74:833-843 (1993)Mapped to18
E2A proteins are required for proper B cell development and initiation of immunoglobulin gene rearrangements.Bain G., Maandag E.C., Izon D.J., Amsen D., Kruisbeek A.M., Weintraub B.C., Krop I., Schlissel M.S., Feeney A.J., van Roon M.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 98510PubMedEurope PMCCell 79:885-892 (1994)Mapped to43