- ProteinCytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 3
- GeneCpeb3
- StatusUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)
- Organism
- Amino acids117 (go to sequence)
- Protein existencePredicted
- Annotation score1/5
Publications for D3YUL6
CPEB3-mediated MTDH mRNA translational suppression restrains hepatocellular carcinoma progression.
- CategoriesFunction, Expression
- SourceMGI: 2443075
Loss of CPEB3 Upregulates MEGF10 to Impair Mosaic Development of ON Starburst Amacrine Cells.
- CategoryExpression
- SourceMGI: 2443075
Systems biology approach to identify transcriptome reprogramming and candidate microRNA targets during the progression of polycystic kidney disease.
- CategoriesFunction, Expression, Phenotypes & Variants
- SourceMGI: 2443075
A high-resolution anatomical atlas of the transcriptome in the mouse embryo.
- CategoryExpression
- SourceMGI: 2443075
A global genomic transcriptional code associated with CNS-expressed genes.
- CategoriesSequences, Expression
- SourceMGI: 2443075
Two previously undescribed members of the mouse CPEB family of genes and their inducible expression in the principal cell layers of the hippocampus.
- CategoriesSequences, Expression
- SourceMGI: 2443075