- ProteinMelanophilin
- GeneMlph
- StatusUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)
- Organism
- Amino acids590 (go to sequence)
- Protein existenceEvidence at transcript level
- Annotation score1/5
Publications for B9EKA5
Doublefoot: a new mouse mutant affecting development of limbs and head.
- CategoriesSequences, Phenotypes & Variants
- SourceMGI: 2176380
Recombination suppression by heterozygous Robertsonian chromosomes in the mouse.
- CategorySequences
- SourceMGI: 2176380
T(In1;5)44H, a complex mouse chromosomal rearrangement with a phenotypic effect.
- CategoriesFunction, Sequences, Phenotypes & Variants
- SourceMGI: 2176380
Mapping of six dominant cataract genes in the mouse.
- CategorySequences
- SourceMGI: 2176380
Close linkage of the dominant cataract mutations (Cat-2) with Idh-1 and cryge on mouse chromosome 1.
- CategorySequences
- SourceMGI: 2176380
Upg-2: a urinary pepsinogen variant located on chromosome 1 of the mouse.
- CategorySequences
- SourceMGI: 2176380
Position on mouse chromosome 1 of a gene that controls resistance to Salmonella typhimurium.
- CategorySequences
- SourceMGI: 2176380
Role of melanocyte morphology in pigmentation of mouse hair.
- CategoryFunction
- SourceMGI: 2176380
Recessive yellow and its interaction with belted in the mouse.
- CategoryFunction
- SourceMGI: 2176380
The fine structure of melanogenesis in coat color mutants of the mouse.
- CategoriesFunction, Sequences
- SourceMGI: 2176380
Locating salmonella resistance gene on mouse chromosome 1.
- CategorySequences
- SourceMGI: 2176380
- PubMed
- Europe PMC
- Clin Exp Immunol 37:1-6 ()
Mapped toFunctional hierarchy among different Rab27 effectors involved in secretory granule exocytosis.
- CategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & Variants
- SourceMGI: 2176380
Regulation of Melanophilin (Mlph) gene expression by the glucocorticoid receptor (GR).
- AnnotationRegulation of Melanophilin (Mlph) gene expression by the glucocorticoid receptor (GR).
- CategoriesFunction, Expression
- SourceGeneRif: 171531
The murine dilute suppressor gene dsu suppresses the coat-color phenotype of three pigment mutations that alter melanocyte morphology, d, ash and ln.
- CategoriesSequences, Phenotypes & Variants
- SourceMGI: 2176380
Melanophilin Accelerates Insulin Granule Fusion without Predocking to the Plasma Membrane.
- CategoriesFunction, Subcellular Location
- SourceMGI: 2176380
The cargo adaptor proteins RILPL2 and melanophilin co-regulate myosin-5a motor activity.
- Annotationpropose that Rab36 stimulates RILPL2 to interact with the myosin-5a GTD; this interaction then induces exposure of the melanophilin-binding site in the GTD enabling melanophilin to interact with the GTD and activate myosin-5a motor activity
- CategoriesFunction, Interaction
- SourceGeneRif: 171531
Regulation of Leishmania populations within the host. III. Mapping of the locus controlling susceptibility to visceral leishmaniasis in the mouse.
- CategorySequences
- SourceMGI: 2176380
- PubMed
- Europe PMC
- Clin Exp Immunol 37:7-14 ()
Mapped toChromosomal localization of Emv-16 and Emv-17, two closely linked ecotropic proviruses of RF/J mice.
- CategorySequences
- SourceMGI: 2176380