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RecTL: a complex allele of the glucocerebrosidase gene associated with a mild clinical course of Gaucher disease.Zimran A., Horowitz M.View abstractAnnotationAssociated with OTHER: Gaucher disease.CategoriesDisease & VariantsSourceGAD:123795PubMedEurope PMCAm J Med Genet 50:74-78 (1994)Mapped to12
Mutations in the glucocerebrosidase gene and Parkinson's disease in Ashkenazi Jews.Aharon-Peretz J., Rosenbaum H., Gershoni-Baruch R.View abstractAnnotationAssociated with NEUROLOGICAL: Parkinson's disease.CategoriesDisease & VariantsSourceGAD:123801PubMedEurope PMCN Engl J Med 351:1972-1977 (2004)Mapped to12
Analysis of the glucocerebrosidase gene in Parkinson's disease.Sato C., Morgan A., Lang A.E., Salehi-Rad S., Kawarai T., Meng Y., Ray P.N., Farrer L.A., St George-Hyslop P., Rogaeva E.View abstractAnnotationAssociated with NEUROLOGICAL: Parkinson's disease.CategoriesDisease & VariantsSourceGAD:123800PubMedEurope PMCMov Disord 20:367-370 (2005)Mapped to12
Glucocerebrosidase mutations in subjects with parkinsonism.Lwin A., Orvisky E., Goker-Alpan O., LaMarca M.E., Sidransky E.View abstractAnnotationAssociated with NEUROLOGICAL: Parkinson's disease.CategoriesDisease & VariantsSourceGAD:123799PubMedEurope PMCMol Genet Metab 81:70-73 (2004)Mapped to12
Pulmonary hypertension in type 1 Gaucher's disease: genetic and epigenetic determinants of phenotype and response to therapy.Mistry P.K., Sirrs S., Chan A., Pritzker M.R., Duffy T.P., Grace M.E., Meeker D.P., Goldman M.E.View abstractAnnotationAssociated with METABOLIC: Gaucher disease.CategoriesDisease & VariantsSourceGAD:123804PubMedEurope PMCMol Genet Metab 77:91-98 (2002)Mapped to20