NEDO human cDNA sequencing project focused on splicing variants.Wakamatsu A., Yamamoto J., Kimura K., Ishii S., Watanabe K., Sugiyama A., Murakawa K., Kaida T., Tsuchiya K.[...], Isogai T.Cited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCETissueHippocampusCategoriesSequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)Submission Submitted to EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases (OCT-2007)Cited in399+
SNX19 restricts endolysosome motility through contacts with the endoplasmic reticulum.Saric A., Freeman S.A., Williamson C.D., Jarnik M., Guardia C.M., Fernandopulle M.S., Gershlick D.C., Bonifacino J.S.View abstractAnnotationSNX19 restricts endolysosome motility through contacts with the endoplasmic reticulum.CategoriesFunction, Subcellular LocationSourceGeneRif: 399979PubMedEurope PMCNat Commun 12:4552-4552 (2021)Mapped to9
Single molecule in situ hybridization reveals distinct localizations of schizophrenia risk-related transcripts SNX19 and AS3MT in human brain.Takahashi Y., Maynard K.R., Tippani M., Jaffe A.E., Martinowich K., Kleinman J.E., Weinberger D.R., Hyde T.M.View abstractAnnotationSingle molecule in situ hybridization reveals distinct localizations of schizophrenia risk-related transcripts SNX19 and AS3MT in human brain.CategoriesFunction, ExpressionSourceGeneRif: 399979PubMedEurope PMCMol Psychiatry 26:3536-3547 (2021)Mapped to10
Schizophrenia risk variants influence multiple classes of transcripts of sorting nexin 19 (SNX19).BrainSeq ConsortiumMa L., Semick S.A., Chen Q., Li C., Tao R., Price A.J., Shin J.H., Jia Y., Brandon N.J.[...], Straub R.E.View abstractAnnotationSchizophrenia risk variants influence multiple classes of transcripts of sorting nexin 19 (SNX19).CategoriesSequencesSourceGeneRif: 399979PubMedEurope PMCMol Psychiatry 25:831-843 (2020)Mapped to9
Polymorphisms associated with both noncardioembolic stroke and coronary heart disease: vienna stroke registry.Luke M.M., Lalouschek W., Rowland C.M., Catanese J.J., Bolonick J.I., Bui N.D., Greisenegger S., Endler G., Devlin J.J., Mannhalter C.View abstractAnnotationObservational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)CategoriesSequences, Disease & VariantsSourceGeneRif: 399979PubMedEurope PMCCerebrovasc Dis 28:499-504 (2009)Mapped to24
The variant rs1867277 in FOXE1 gene confers thyroid cancer susceptibility through the recruitment of USF1/USF2 transcription factors.Landa I., Ruiz-Llorente S., Montero-Conde C., Inglada-Perez L., Schiavi F., Leskela S., Pita G., Milne R., Maravall J.[...], Robledo M.View abstractAnnotationNot Associated with CANCER: thyroid cancer., Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)CategoriesDisease & Variants, Function, SequencesSourceGAD:568568, GeneRif: 399979PubMedEurope PMCPLoS Genet 5:e1000637-e1000637 (2009)Mapped to99+
Gene variants associated with ischemic stroke: the cardiovascular health study.Luke M.M., O'Meara E.S., Rowland C.M., Shiffman D., Bare L.A., Arellano A.R., Longstreth W.T. Jr., Lumley T., Rice K.[...], Psaty B.M.View abstractAnnotationObservational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)CategoriesSequences, Disease & VariantsSourceGeneRif: 399979PubMedEurope PMCStroke 40:363-368 (2009)Mapped to99+
Five common gene variants identify elevated genetic risk for coronary heart disease.Bare L.A., Morrison A.C., Rowland C.M., Shiffman D., Luke M.M., Iakoubova O.A., Kane J.P., Malloy M.J., Ellis S.G.[...], Boerwinkle E.View abstractAnnotationObservational study of gene-disease association and gene-gene interaction. (HuGE Navigator)CategoriesSequences, Disease & VariantsSourceGeneRif: 399979PubMedEurope PMCGenet Med 9:682-689 (2007)Mapped to24
Association of gene variants with incident myocardial infarction in the Cardiovascular Health Study.Shiffman D., O'Meara E.S., Bare L.A., Rowland C.M., Louie J.Z., Arellano A.R., Lumley T., Rice K., Iakoubova O.[...], Psaty B.M.View abstractAnnotationObservational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)CategoriesSequences, Disease & VariantsSourceGeneRif: 399979PubMedEurope PMCArterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 28:173-179 (2008)Mapped to99+