A0A8I5ZZ45 · A0A8I5ZZ45_RAT
- Proteinunspecific monooxygenase
- GeneCyp3a23-3a1
- StatusUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)
- Organism
- Amino acids151 (go to sequence)
- Protein existenceInferred from homology
- Annotation score2/5
Genomic coordinates
Gene ENSRNOG00000032560
- Chromosome12
- StrandReverse
- Assembly NamemRatBN7.2
- Nucleotide IDCM026985.1
- Ensembl gene ID
Isoform: A0A8I5ZZ45
- Genomic location
- Number of exons3
- Ensembl transcript and translation IDs
Gene ENSRNOG00000062027
- Chromosome12
- StrandReverse
- Assembly NamemRatBN7.2
- Nucleotide IDCM026985.1
- Ensembl gene ID
Isoform: A0A8I5ZZ45
- Genomic location
- Number of exons3
- Ensembl transcript and translation IDs