Toxin-producing Epichloe bromicola strains symbiotic with the forage grass Elymus dahuricus in China.Shi C., An S., Yao Z., Young C.A., Panaccione D.G., Lee S.T., Schardl C.L., Li C.View abstractCited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCEStrainE7626CategorySequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)PubMedEurope PMCMycologia 109:847-859 (2017)Cited in21
Efficient non-enzymatic cyclisation and domain shuffling drive pyrrolopyrazine diversity from truncated variants of a fungal NRPS.Berry D., Mace W., Grage K., Wesche F., Gore S., Schardl C.L., Young C.A., Dijkwel P.P., Leuchtmann A.[...], Scott B.Cited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCEStrainNFe1CategorySequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)Submission Submitted to EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases (OCT-2019)Cited in9