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Spastin is an essential regulator of male meiosis, acrosome formation, manchette structure and nuclear integrity.Cheers S.R., O'Connor A.E., Johnson T.K., Merriner D.J., O'Bryan M.K., Dunleavy J.E.M.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Subcellular LocationSourceMGI: 1858896PubMedEurope PMCDevelopment 150:dev201183-dev201183 (2023)Mapped to5
Modeling gain-of-function and loss-of-function components of SPAST-based hereditary spastic paraplegia using transgenic mice.Piermarini E., Akarsu S., Connors T., Kneussel M., Lane M.A., Morfini G., Karabay A., Baas P.W., Qiang L.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceMGI: 1858896PubMedEurope PMCHum Mol Genet 31:1844-1859 (2022)Mapped to9
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Defects in ER-endosome contacts impact lysosome function in hereditary spastic paraplegia.Allison R., Edgar J.R., Pearson G., Rizo T., Newton T., Gunther S., Berner F., Hague J., Connell J.W.[...], Reid E.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Subcellular LocationSourceMGI: 1858896PubMedEurope PMCJ Cell Biol 216:1337-1355 (2017)Mapped to5
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Differential regulation of microtubule severing by APC underlies distinct patterns of projection neuron and interneuron migration.Eom T.Y., Stanco A., Guo J., Wilkins G., Deslauriers D., Yan J., Monckton C., Blair J., Oon E.[...], Anton E.S.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 1858896PubMedEurope PMCDev Cell 31:677-689 (2014)Mapped to99+
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Microtubule-targeting drugs rescue axonal swellings in cortical neurons from spastin knockout mice.Fassier C., Tarrade A., Peris L., Courageot S., Mailly P., Dalard C., Delga S., Roblot N., Lefevre J.[...], Melki J.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceMGI: 1858896PubMedEurope PMCDis. Model. Mech. 6:72-83 (2013)Cited in1Mapped to4
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