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International union of basic and clinical pharmacology. XCIV. Adhesion G protein-coupled receptors.Hamann J., Aust G., Arac D., Engel F.B., Formstone C., Fredriksson R., Hall R.A., Harty B.L., Kirchhoff C.[...], Schioth H.B.View abstractSourceMGI: 2182928PubMedEurope PMCPharmacol. Rev. 67:338-367 (2015)Cited in24Mapped to99+
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Essential regulation of lung surfactant homeostasis by the orphan G protein-coupled receptor GPR116.Yang M.Y., Hilton M.B., Seaman S., Haines D.C., Nagashima K., Burks C.M., Tessarollo L., Ivanova P.T., Brown H.A.[...], St Croix B.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 2182928PubMedEurope PMCCell Rep. 3:1457-1464 (2013)Cited in1Mapped to22
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