PKL activates FT transcription likely through facilitating access of CO to FT chromatin at dusk to synchronize flowering time in response to environmental cues.
HRB2 enhances the light-induced expression of a B-box transcription factor gene BBX21. BBX21 binds a T/G box in the ABI5 promoter and recruits HRB2 to modulate the chromatin structure at the ABI5 locus. [HRB2]
The antagonistic functions of FIS1 and PKR2 in modulating endosperm development are similar to those of PICKLE (PKL) and CURLY LEAF (CLF) which antagonistically regulate root meristem activity.
data suggest that transcriptional regulation of LFY at the chromatin level by PKL may at least partially account for the late-flowering phenotype of pkl mutants
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