A0A1J0MS65 · A0A1J0MS65_9PICO

  • Protein
    Genome polyprotein
  • Status
    UniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)
  • Amino acids
  • Protein existence
    Inferred from homology
  • Annotation score



Acts as a primer for viral RNA replication and remains covalently bound to viral genomic RNA. VPg is uridylylated prior to priming replication into VPg-pUpU. The VPg-pUpU is then used as primer on the genomic RNA poly(A) by the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase to replicate the viral genome.
Affects membrane integrity and causes an increase in membrane permeability.
Associates with and induces structural rearrangements of intracellular membranes. Displays RNA-binding activity.
Capsid proteins VP1, VP2, and VP3 form a closed capsid enclosing the viral positive strand RNA genome. All these proteins contain a beta-sheet structure called beta-barrel jelly roll. Together they form an icosahedral capsid (T=3) composed of 60 copies of each VP1, VP2, and VP3, with a diameter of approximately 300 Angstroms. VP1 is situated at the 12 fivefold axes, whereas VP2 and VP3 are located at the quasi-sixfold axes. The naked capsid interacts with the host receptor HAVCR1 to provide virion attachment to and probably entry into the target cell.
Cysteine protease that generates mature viral proteins from the precursor polyprotein. In addition to its proteolytic activity, it binds to viral RNA, and thus influences viral genome replication. RNA and substrate bind cooperatively to the protease. Cleaves IKBKG/NEMO to impair innate immune signaling. Cleaves host PABPC1 which may participate in the switch of viral translation to RNA synthesis.
Functions as a viroporin. Affects membrane integrity and causes an increase in membrane permeability. Involved in host intracellular membrane rearrangements probably to give rise to the viral factories. Does not disrupt calcium homeostasis or glycoprotein trafficking. Antagonizes the innate immune response of the host by suppressing IFN-beta synthesis, which it achieves by interfering with the RIG-I/IFIH1 pathway.
Interacts with the 3AB precursor and with RNA structures found at both the 5'- and 3'-termini of the viral genome. Disrupts TLR3 signaling by degrading the host adapter protein TICAM1/TRIF.
Interacts with the 3CD precursor and with RNA structures found at both the 5'- and 3'-termini of the viral genome. Since the 3AB precursor contains the hydrophobic domain 3A, it probably anchors the whole viral replicase complex to intracellular membranes on which viral RNA synthesis occurs.
May serve as membrane anchor to the 3AB and 3ABC precursors via its hydrophobic domain. May interact with RNA.
Plays a role in the assembly of the 12 pentamers into an icosahedral structure. Has not been detected in mature virions, supposedly owing to its small size.
Precursor component of immature procapsids that corresponds to an extended form of the structural protein VP1. After maturation, possibly by the host Cathepsin L, the assembly signal 2A is cleaved to give rise to the mature VP1 protein.
VP0 precursor is a component of the immature procapsids.

Catalytic activity

GO annotations

Cellular Componentcytoplasmic vesicle membrane
Cellular Componenthost cell cytoplasmic vesicle membrane
Cellular Componenthost cell mitochondrial outer membrane
Cellular Componenthost multivesicular body
Cellular ComponentT=pseudo3 icosahedral viral capsid
Molecular FunctionATP binding
Molecular Functionchannel activity
Molecular Functioncysteine-type endopeptidase activity
Molecular Functionribonucleoside triphosphate phosphatase activity
Molecular FunctionRNA binding
Molecular FunctionRNA helicase activity
Molecular FunctionRNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity
Molecular Functionstructural molecule activity
Biological ProcessDNA-templated transcription
Biological Processmonoatomic ion transmembrane transport
Biological Processproteolysis
Biological ProcessRNA-protein covalent cross-linking
Biological Processsymbiont entry into host cell
Biological Processsymbiont-mediated suppression of host cytoplasmic pattern recognition receptor signaling pathway via inhibition of MAVS activity
Biological Processviral RNA genome replication
Biological Processvirion attachment to host cell
Biological Processvirus-mediated perturbation of host defense response


Names & Taxonomy

Protein names

  • Recommended name
    Genome polyprotein

Organism names

  • Taxonomic identifier
  • Organism
  • Strain
    • 20160920
  • Taxonomic lineage
    Viruses > Riboviria > Orthornavirae > Pisuviricota > Pisoniviricetes > Picornavirales > Picornaviridae > Heptrevirinae > Hepatovirus


  • Primary accession

Subcellular Location






Homodimer. Homomultimer; probably interacts with membranes in a multimeric form. Seems to assemble into amyloid-like fibers.
Homodimer. Monomer. Interacts with protein 3CD.
Homodimer; disulfide-linked.
Homopentamer. Homooligomer.
Interacts with capsid protein VP1. Interacts with capsid protein VP2.
Interacts with capsid protein VP1. Interacts with capsid protein VP3.
Interacts with capsid protein VP2. Interacts with capsid protein VP3.
Interacts with host ACBD3.
Interacts with human MAVS.
Interacts with protein 3AB.

Family & Domains


Showing features for domain.

Domain1202-1364SF3 helicase
Domain1512-1726Peptidase C3
Domain1974-2095RdRp catalytic

Sequence similarities

Belongs to the picornaviridae polyprotein family.

Family and domain databases


  • Sequence status
  • Length
  • Mass (Da)
  • Last updated
    2017-02-15 v1
  • Checksum

Sequence databases

Nucleotide SequenceProtein SequenceMolecule TypeStatus
Genomic RNA

Similar Proteins


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