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Synthetic GM1 improves motor and memory dysfunctions in mice with monoallelic or biallelic disruption of GM3 synthase.Chowdhury S., Kumar R., Zepeda E., DeFrees S., Ledeen R.View abstractSourceMGI: 1339963PubMedEurope PMCFEBS Open Bio 13:1651-1657 (2023)Mapped to6
Identification of a new liver-specific c-type mRNA transcriptional variant for mouse ST3GAL5 (GM3/GM4 synthase).Shishido F., Uemura S., Nitta T., Inokuchi J.I.View abstractSourceMGI: 1339963PubMedEurope PMCGlycoconj J 34:651-659 (2017)Mapped to6