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Chronic encephalomyelitis virus exhibits cellular tropism and evades pDCs by binding to sialylated integrins as the cell surface receptors.Takeda K., Kaifu T., Michihata R., Kinugawa N., Fujioka A., Tateno A., Toshima K., Kanoh H., Inamori K.I.[...], Nakamura A.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 1339963PubMedEurope PMCEur J Immunol 53:e2350452-e2350452 (2023)Mapped to4
Synthetic GM1 improves motor and memory dysfunctions in mice with monoallelic or biallelic disruption of GM3 synthase.Chowdhury S., Kumar R., Zepeda E., DeFrees S., Ledeen R.View abstractSourceMGI: 1339963PubMedEurope PMCFEBS Open Bio 13:1651-1657 (2023)Mapped to6
GM3 synthase deficiency increases brain glucose metabolism in mice.Bharathi S.S., Zhang B.B., Paul E., Zhang Y., Schmidt A.V., Fowler B., Wu Y., Tiemeyer M., Inamori K.I.[...], Goetzman E.S.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 1339963PubMedEurope PMCMol Genet Metab 137:342-348 (2022)Mapped to6
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TLR9-mediated dendritic cell activation uncovers mammalian ganglioside species with specific ceramide backbones that activate invariant natural killer T cells.Paget C., Deng S., Soulard D., Priestman D.A., Speca S., von Gerichten J., Speak A.O., Saroha A., Pewzner-Jung Y.[...], Trottein F.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 1339963PubMedEurope PMCPLoS Biol 17:e3000169-e3000169 (2019)Mapped to19
Fresh evidence for major brain gangliosides as a target for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.Dukhinova M., Veremeyko T., Yung A.W.Y., Kuznetsova I.S., Lau T.Y.B., Kopeikina E., Chan A.M.L., Ponomarev E.D.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceMGI: 1339963PubMedEurope PMCNeurobiol Aging 77:128-143 (2019)Mapped to4
NPC1L1-dependent intestinal cholesterol absorption requires ganglioside GM3 in membrane microdomains.Nihei W., Nagafuku M., Hayamizu H., Odagiri Y., Tamura Y., Kikuchi Y., Veillon L., Kanoh H., Inamori K.I.[...], Inokuchi J.I.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceMGI: 1339963PubMedEurope PMCJ Lipid Res 59:2181-2187 (2018)Mapped to17
Platelets mediate protective neuroinflammation and promote neuronal plasticity at the site of neuronal injury.Dukhinova M., Kuznetsova I., Kopeikina E., Veniaminova E., Yung A.W.Y., Veremeyko T., Levchuk K., Barteneva N.S., Wing-Ho K.K.[...], Ponomarev E.D.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 1339963PubMedEurope PMCBrain Behav Immun 74:7-27 (2018)Mapped to4
Deficient ganglioside synthesis restores responsiveness to leptin and melanocortin signaling in obese KKAy mice.Inamori K.I., Ito H., Tamura Y., Nitta T., Yang X., Nihei W., Shishido F., Imazu S., Tsukita S.[...], Inokuchi J.I.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceMGI: 1339963PubMedEurope PMCJ Lipid Res 59:1472-1481 (2018)Mapped to14
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Ganglioside GM3 synthase depletion reverses neuropathic pain and small fiber neuropathy in diet-induced diabetic mice.Menichella D.M., Jayaraj N.D., Wilson H.M., Ren D., Flood K., Wang X.Q., Shum A., Miller R.J., Paller A.S.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceMGI: 1339963PubMedEurope PMCMol Pain 12:1744806916666284-1744806916666284 (2016)Mapped to6
siRNA-based spherical nucleic acids reverse impaired wound healing in diabetic mice by ganglioside GM3 synthase knockdown.Randeria P.S., Seeger M.A., Wang X.Q., Wilson H., Shipp D., Mirkin C.A., Paller A.S.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceMGI: 1339963PubMedEurope PMCProc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112:5573-5578 (2015)Mapped to6
Ganglioside GM3 is essential for the structural integrity and function of cochlear hair cells.Yoshikawa M., Go S., Suzuki S., Suzuki A., Katori Y., Morlet T., Gottlieb S.M., Fujiwara M., Iwasaki K.[...], Inokuchi J.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 1339963PubMedEurope PMCHum Mol Genet 24:2796-2807 (2015)Mapped to6
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Ganglioside GM3 depletion reverses impaired wound healing in diabetic mice by activating IGF-1 and insulin receptors.Wang X.Q., Lee S., Wilson H., Seeger M., Iordanov H., Gatla N., Whittington A., Bach D., Lu J.Y., Paller A.S.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 1339963PubMedEurope PMCJ Invest Dermatol 134:1446-1455 (2014)Mapped to26
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Diabetes risk gene and Wnt effector Tcf7l2/TCF4 controls hepatic response to perinatal and adult metabolic demand.Boj S.F., van Es J.H., Huch M., Li V.S., Jose A., Hatzis P., Mokry M., Haegebarth A., van den Born M.[...], Clevers H.View abstractCategoriesExpressionSourceMGI: 1339963PubMedEurope PMCCell 151:1595-1607 (2012)Mapped to99+