A0A0G0H3B3 · A0A0G0H3B3_9BACT
- ProteinDNA gyrase subunit A
- GenegyrA
- StatusUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)
- Amino acids828 (go to sequence)
- Protein existenceInferred from homology
- Annotation score3/5
A type II topoisomerase that negatively supercoils closed circular double-stranded (ds) DNA in an ATP-dependent manner to modulate DNA topology and maintain chromosomes in an underwound state. Negative supercoiling favors strand separation, and DNA replication, transcription, recombination and repair, all of which involve strand separation. Also able to catalyze the interconversion of other topological isomers of dsDNA rings, including catenanes and knotted rings. Type II topoisomerases break and join 2 DNA strands simultaneously in an ATP-dependent manner.
Few gyrases are as efficient as E.coli at forming negative supercoils. Not all organisms have 2 type II topoisomerases; in organisms with a single type II topoisomerase this enzyme also has to decatenate newly replicated chromosomes.
Catalytic activity
Showing features for active site.
Type | ID | Position(s) | Description | |||
Active site | 120 | O-(5'-phospho-DNA)-tyrosine intermediate | ||||
Sequence: Y |
GO annotations
Aspect | Term | |
Cellular Component | chromosome | |
Cellular Component | cytoplasm | |
Cellular Component | DNA topoisomerase type II (double strand cut, ATP-hydrolyzing) complex | |
Molecular Function | ATP binding | |
Molecular Function | DNA binding | |
Molecular Function | DNA negative supercoiling activity | |
Biological Process | DNA topological change | |
Biological Process | DNA-templated DNA replication |
- Molecular function
- Ligand
Enzyme and pathway databases
Names & Taxonomy
Protein names
- Recommended nameDNA gyrase subunit A
- EC number
Gene names
Organism names
- Taxonomic lineageBacteria > Candidatus Levyibacteriota
- Primary accessionA0A0G0H3B3
Subcellular Location
Heterotetramer, composed of two GyrA and two GyrB chains. In the heterotetramer, GyrA contains the active site tyrosine that forms a transient covalent intermediate with DNA, while GyrB binds cofactors and catalyzes ATP hydrolysis.
Family & Domains
Showing features for domain, motif.
Type | ID | Position(s) | Description | |||
Domain | 9-475 | DNA topoisomerase type IIA | ||||
Motif | 537-543 | GyrA-box | ||||
Sequence: QHRGGKG |
Sequence similarities
Belongs to the type II topoisomerase GyrA/ParC subunit family.
Family and domain databases
- Sequence statusComplete
- Length828
- Mass (Da)92,597
- Last updated2015-07-22 v1
- Checksum645117CFCC6961FA
Sequence databases
Nucleotide Sequence | Protein Sequence | Molecule Type | Status | |
LBTK01000024 EMBL· GenBank· DDBJ | KKQ37728.1 EMBL· GenBank· DDBJ | Genomic DNA |