- ProteinSRY (sex determining region Y)-box 17
- GeneSox17
- StatusUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)
- Organism
- Amino acids170 (go to sequence)
- Protein existenceEvidence at protein level
- Annotation score1/5
Publications for A0A0A6YXV3
The blood vasculature instructs lymphatic patterning in a SOX7-dependent manner.
- CategoriesFunction
- SourceMGI: 107543
Dominant role of DNA methylation over H3K9me3 for IAP silencing in endoderm.
- CategoriesFunction
- SourceMGI: 107543
Establishment of mouse stem cells that can recapitulate the developmental potential of primitive endoderm.
- CategoriesFunction
- SourceMGI: 107543
Epithelial cell plasticity drives endoderm formation during gastrulation.
- CategoriesFunction, Expression
- SourceMGI: 107543
Histone crotonylation promotes mesoendodermal commitment of human embryonic stem cells.
- CategoriesFunction, PTM / Processing
- SourceMGI: 107543
ZC3H4-a novel Cys-Cys-Cys-His-type zinc finger protein-is essential for early embryogenesis in mice.
- CategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & Variants
- SourceMGI: 107543
Transcriptional regulatory network controlling the ontogeny of hematopoietic stem cells.
- CategoriesFunction
- SourceMGI: 107543
Anatomical and histological characteristics of the hepatobiliary system in adult Sox17 heterozygote mice.
- CategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & Variants
- SourceMGI: 107543
Developmental trajectory of prehematopoietic stem cell formation from endothelium.
- CategoriesFunction
- SourceMGI: 107543
Molecular determinants of nephron vascular specialization in the kidney.
- CategoriesFunction, Expression
- SourceMGI: 107543
MCRS1 is essential for epiblast development during early mouse embryogenesis.
- CategoriesFunction
- SourceMGI: 107543