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Auditory cortex interneuron development requires cadherins operating hair- cell mechanoelectrical transduction.Libe-Philippot B., Michel V., Boutet de Monvel J., Le Gal S., Dupont T., Avan P., Metin C., Michalski N., Petit C.View abstractCategoriesFunction, Phenotypes & VariantsSourceMGI: 1891428PubMedEurope PMCProc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114:7765-7774 (2017)Mapped to40
CIB2 interacts with TMC1 and TMC2 and is essential for mechanotransduction in auditory hair cells.Giese A.P.J., Tang Y.Q., Sinha G.P., Bowl M.R., Goldring A.C., Parker A., Freeman M.J., Brown S.D.M., Riazuddin S.[...], Ahmed Z.M.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 1891428PubMedEurope PMCNat. Commun. 8:43-43 (2017)Cited in5Mapped to48
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Class III myosins shape the auditory hair bundles by limiting microvilli and stereocilia growth.Lelli A., Michel V., Boutet de Monvel J., Cortese M., Bosch-Grau M., Aghaie A., Perfettini I., Dupont T., Avan P.[...], Petit C.View abstractCategoriesFunctionSourceMGI: 1891428PubMedEurope PMCJ. Cell Biol. 212:231-244 (2016)Cited in4Mapped to74