The genomes of four tapeworm species reveal adaptations to parasitism.Taenia solium Genome ConsortiumTsai I.J., Zarowiecki M., Holroyd N., Garciarrubio A., Sanchez-Flores A., Brooks K.L., Tracey A., Bobes R.J., Fragoso G.[...], Laclette J.P.View abstractCited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [LARGE SCALE GENOMIC DNA]CategorySequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)PubMedEurope PMCNature 496:57-63 (2013)Cited in99+
No title available.Zhang Y., Guo Z.Cited forNUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCECategorySequencesSourceUniProtKB unreviewed (TrEMBL)Submission Submitted to EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases (NOV-2015)Cited in99+