- SubmissionSubmitted to EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases ()
Proteomes · Loxodonta africana (African elephant)
- Proteome IDUP000007646
- StatusReference proteome
- Number of entries
- Gene count
- Taxonomy | StrainLoxodonta africana (African elephant) | Isolate ISIS603380
- Genome assembly and annotation
- Genome representationFull
- Completeness (CPD)Close to standard (low value)
- BUSCOSingleDuplicatedFragmentedMissingn:11366 · eutheria_odb10C:91.5% (S:70.5% D:21%) F:3.2% M:5.3%
The African elephant (also called African savannah elephant, African bush elephant) is found in Africa, south of the Sahara, and is the heaviest terrestrial animal in the world, weighing up to 12,000kg. It can live up to 70 years, having one of the longest lifespans among mammals.
The elephant belongs to the placental super clade Afrotheria that is thought to include the most primitive placental mammals.
The reference proteome of Loxodonta Africana is derived from the genome sequence and assembly provided by the Broad Institute in 2009. The sequenced animal was a female from the San Diego Zoo, California, USA. The size of the genome is 3.1 Gb, containing 20,033 predicted protein-coding genes.
Component name | Genome accession(s) | Protein count | |
Unassembled WGS sequence | AAGU03000000 | 25,615 |