Proteomes · Sorangium cellulosum (strain So ce56) (Polyangium cellulosum (strain So ce56))
- Proteome IDUP000002139
- StatusReference proteome
- Number of entries
- Gene count
- Taxonomy | Strain
- Genome assembly and annotation
- Genome representationFull
- Pan proteomeThis proteome is part of the Sorangium cellulosum (strain So ce56) pan proteome (FASTA)
- Completeness (CPD)Close to standard (high value)
- BUSCOSingleDuplicatedFragmentedMissingn:124 · bacteria_odb10C:93.5% (S:91.9% D:1.6%) F:4% M:2.4%
Sorangium cellulosum (strain So ce56) is an obligate anaerobic, Gram-negative bacterium. Its genome, with 13033779 base pairs, is the largest bacterial genome sequenced (as of January 2008) and contains over 9200 predicted protein coding genes. About 35 % of the CDS have no significant similarity to predicted proteins in the databases. The noncoding regions represent 14 % of the genome.
It possesses 317 ELKs (eukaryotic protein kinase-like kinases) all of which contain the 11 subdomains known to be critical for activity. Sorangium cellulosum (strain So ce56) produces the metabolite etnangien, an inhibitor of bacterial and viral nucleic acid polymerases. It has numerous enzymes with biotechnological potential, including lipolytic activities, proteases, cellulases, nitrilases, amidases and hydantoinases. It appears to encode a rich supply of S8 family peptidases, subtilisin-like enzymes that are widely exploited as additives in laundry detergents.