Proteomes · Zymomonas mobilis subsp. mobilis (strain ATCC 31821 / ZM4 / CP4)
- Proteome IDUP000001173
- StatusReference proteome
- Number of entries
- Gene count
- Taxonomy | StrainZymomonas mobilis subsp. mobilis (strain ATCC 31821 / ZM4 / CP4) | ATCC 31821 / ZM4 / CP4
- Genome assembly and annotation
- Genome representationFull
- Pan proteomeThis proteome is part of the Zymomonas mobilis subsp. mobilis (strain ATCC 31821 / ZM4 / CP4) pan proteome (FASTA)
- Completeness (CPD)Unknown
- BUSCOSingleDuplicatedFragmentedMissingn:1018 · sphingomonadales_odb10C:80.5% (S:80.1% D:0.4%) F:0.3% M:19.3%
Zymomonas mobilis is one of the most powerful ethanol-producing microbes known, and is used in the tropics to produce pulque (in Mesoamerica) and African palm wines.
- SubmissionSubmitted to EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases ()