Lefty-1 is required for left-right determination as a regulator of lefty-2 and nodal.
lefty-1, lefty-2, and nodal are expressed on the left side of developing mouse embryos and are implicated in left-right (L-R) determination. The role of lefty- 1 was examined by analyzing mutant mice lacking this gene. The lefty-1-deficient mice showed a variety of L-R positional defects in visceral organs. Unexpectedly, however, the most common feature of lefty-1-/- mice was thoracic left isomerism (rather than right isomerism). The lack of lefty-1 resulted in bilateral expression of nodal, lefty-2, and Pitx2 (a homeobox gene normally expressed on the left side). These observations suggest that the role of lefty-1 is to restrict the expression of lefty-2 and nodal to the left side, and that lefty-2 or nodal encodes a signal for "leftness."