Calcium-dependent protein kinases CPK21 and CPK23 phosphorylate and activate the iron-regulated transporter IRT1 to regulate iron deficiency in Arabidopsis.
Iron (Fe) is an essential micronutrient for all organisms. Fe availability in the soil is usually much lower than that required for plant growth, and Fe deficiencies seriously restrict crop growth and yield. Calcium (Ca2+) is a second messenger in all eukaryotes; however, it remains largely unknown how Ca2+ regulates Fe deficiency. In this study, mutations in CPK21 and CPK23, which are two highly homologous calcium-dependent protein kinases, conferredimpaired growth and rootdevelopment under Fe-deficient conditions, whereas constitutively active CPK21 and CPK23 enhanced plant tolerance to Fe- deficient conditions. Furthermore, we found that CPK21 and CPK23 interacted with and phosphorylated the Fe transporter IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER1 (IRT1) at the Ser149 residue. Biochemical analyses and complementation of Fe transport in yeast and plants indicated that IRT1 Ser149 is critical for IRT1 transport activity. Taken together, these findings suggest that the CPK21/23-IRT1 signaling pathway is critical for Fe homeostasis in plants and provides targets for improving Fe-deficient environments and breeding crops resistant to Fe- deficient conditions.