Skip is essential for Notch signaling to induce Sox2 in cerebral arteriovenous malformations.
Notch signaling and Sry-box (Sox) family transcriptional factors both play critical roles in endothelial cell (EC) differentiation in vascularization. Recent studies have shown that excessive Notch signaling induces Sox2 to cause cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). Here, we examine human pulmonary AVMs and find no induction of Sox2. Results of epigenetic studies also show less alteration of Sox2-DNA binding in pulmonary AVMs than in cerebral AVMs. We identify high expression of ski-interacting protein (Skip) in brain ECs, a Notch-associated chromatin-modifying protein that is lacking in lung ECs. Knockdown of Skip abolished Notch-induction of Sox2 in brain ECs, while restoration of Skip in lung ECs enabled Notch-mediated Sox2 induction. The results suggest that Skip is a key factor for induction of Sox2 in cerebral AVMs.