She2p, a novel RNA-binding protein tethers ASH1 mRNA to the Myo4p myosin motor via She3p.
RNA localization is a widespread mechanism to achieve localized protein synthesis. In budding yeast, localization of ASH1 mRNA controls daughter cell- specific accumulation of the transcriptional regulator Ash1p, which determines mating type switching. ASH1 mRNA localization depends on four independently acting sequences ('zipcodes') within the mRNA. In addition, the class V myosin Myo4p and a set of She proteins with as yet unknown function are essential for ASH1 localization. Here we show that She2p is a novel RNA-binding protein that binds specifically to ASH1 mRNA in vivo and to ASH1 RNA zip codes in vitro. She2p can interact with She3 protein via She3p's C-terminus and becomes localized to the daughter cell tip upon ASH1 expression. The N-terminal coiled- coil domain of She3p is required to form an RNA-independent complex with the heavy chain of the myosin motor protein Myo4p. She2p and She3p are the first examples of adapters for tethering a localized mRNA to the motor protein and might serve as prototypes for RNA-motor protein adapters.